So Nikita and I went to the Beyonce concert. I must say that she gave a great show. I am not a fan of hers but her energy and excitement at the show was awesome. The best part of the show for me were her male dancers. Their bodies were amazing. That put a little more gusto into me wanting to get my body right.
I must say that our experience at the concert was somewhat different from everyone else's who I know. We were in my company's suite who we shall leave nameless for all intensive purposes. So we had our own parking deck our own elevators and were were on a floor with only other professional people. So we really didn't see any of the traditional Beyonce queens. Well except for the one in the show who Beyonce gave her Mic to shout out to "Laquan" lol. But this somewhat shows me that I am separated from so many of my friends and their experiences. Where many of them live the traditional gay life in Atlanta. I must balance my career with what I should be doing as opposed to what I want to do.
At any rate I gotta go. It is the 4th, I Have to figure out what to do today. I am going to try to blog more but between school, work, and the gym it is hard.
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